English 2022 / 11 / 04 3983

Yangmingshan National park is rich in resource and natural beauty. Every year it attracts four million visitors to this mountain, admire the plant and fauna,. Since 2020 Tse Xin Foundation accepted the”Yangmingshan National Park farming guidance”plan, Yangminshan’s beauty attracted even more people who share the same value of co-existing with kindness toward people, the land and animals.



THis year’s plan will expire in three years. Currently there are 20 fellow farmers who have the green conservation standard or the organic verification certificate. The total farmed area is 14 hectares. Today, Oct 28, we announce our achievement and exhibit farm products to show the fruit of their labor. Yangmingshan is a very large area. In the beginning, Tse Xin workers spread out into the mountains and country-side working hard to find willing farmers to participate, and continuously interacted with them. Currently, training farms are in Taipei and New Taipei. There are single family small farms, and also farming affiliated enterprises with over 100 workers , all of whom share the goal of using friendly farming technique to benefit the land where people and animal can live safely.


In an experimental area of a floral farm where the flowers from friendly farming and traditional farming were compared , there were no visible difference in colors; in fact, where no fertilizers were used, flowers not only bloomed early, the quality was better. Except for added labor, cost did not increased.

When friendly farming became part of farmers’ life, their thinking changed dramatically. Farmers said, "if asked what results have we had these few years, it is that we hope it will let people see how the animals have accepted us and not that we have sought for their return because this is their home."


Yangmingshan administration Director Yang Mo Lin expressed the hope that after overcoming farming techniques, in the future as we strive on this path , we will attract more people to be more friendly to the environment, and safer food.


Su Mo Rong, Director of Tse Xin Foundation points out that Yangmingshan National Park is next to the greater Taipei area, and is the ecological center and a breeding area for many species which are important to the environment. It is hope that with the preliminary results, it will attract even more areas to move towards harmony and co-existence between production, living, and the environment, letting the results of friendly farming in national parks be a successful representation internationally.