On Dec 8, 2021, the small and medium size businesses of the Ministry of Economic Affairs sponsored an award ceremony for the “Buying Power Rewards for the Purchase of Socially Innovative Products and Services" to encourage purchases of new developed innovative products and services as the title of the award suggests, to helps resolve issues facing society today. This is the 4th season TOAF has received this recognition.
Cheng Li Tai, TOAF's Director of tree planting
Economic Minister of government affairs Zeng Wen Sheng
Executive Yuan councillor Tang Feng attends to encourage the winner
Tse Xin Organic Agriculture Foundation (TOAF) together with Ren Zhou Enterprise jointly developed a “precious water pan" to enable plants and seedling to survive in the hostile coastal areas. This “precious water pan" is widely used throughout Taiwan’s 14 coastal counties and cities to plant trees in the coastal area.
In recent years, TOAF, together with the Forestry bureau and local governments, pushed to promote afforestation along the coast of Taiwan. It also cooperated with businesses to buy thousands of “ precious water pans” for use in coastal afforestation with excellent results thus protecting the coastal areas as well as properties.
The precious water pan also acts as a sunscreen and moisturizer which greatly increase the survival rate of saplings.
In recent years, TOAF, together with the Forestry bureau and local governments, pushed to promote afforestation along the coast of Taiwan.
At the same time, the precious water pan also received the " Gold Code" award as well as the special award of the year - recycling design. UK Industrial design specialist Tom Dixon who was in the award panelist acknowledged that the value of the precious water pan - “As a low cost and low tech design, it is a simple yet effective way to enable plants to survive in difficult and hostile environment and is worthy of encouragement."
TOAF Director Cheng, and tree planting specialists Li Guan Han at the award ceremony.
Since 2013, TOAF has planted over 910,000 trees. In the future, TOAF will plant more trees in the more arid and challenging environment using the precious water pans as part of the country’s conservation effort and contribute toward lowering the earth's carbon emission.