Plastic-Free Action 2022 / 09 / 30 4137


Photo took for Tse-Xin and other environmental group from Taiwan

Tse-Xin foundation, with group which pays attention to sea waste joining together, took path to participate in the 7th International Marine Debris Conference, 7IMDC which was held in Busan, Korea on Sep. 23, 2022, Tse-Xin foundation proposed three oral reports and two presentations in the name called “lighting Taiwan, lighting sea”, the school plastic-free action(lighting program), presenting the action in Taiwan devoted deep into school, prevailing community and shopping area and resulting in the remarkable achievement of reduction of disposable plastics.

International Marine Debris Conference, IMDC, the biggest IMDC which aims at marine debris, was held overseas outside USA for first time, 89 countries,, 943 participants, the biggest IMDC, ever, showing the increasing attention from the globe about marine debris.


Final day, beach cleanup for plastics reduction

Presentation of plastics reduction in shopping area, Luo Chen Yu, Tse-Xin foundationPoster night, sharing

This time “lighting Taiwan, lighting sea” the plastics reduction plan for which Tse-Xin foundation cooperated with Bliss & Wisdom since 2018, so far 339 schools, over one hundred thousand students and staffs participated with result of reduction of ten million disposable plastics.

Tse-Xin foundation made three presentations presenting the achievement rooting plastics reduction deep in school and more community and shopping area, the loyalty card usually awarded to children for plastics reduction in the lighting program consolidating marine image and childlike stuff draws attention and inquiry from educators who feedback so much for the splendid program and achievement.