English 2023 / 02 / 07 4846

Tse-Xin Organic Agriculture Foundation (TOAF) went to the desert in Mongolia first time for planting using the advantage of the water-storing tree planter, 1400 seedlings in June,2022, a big step for one-billion trees supposed to be planted on earth, in the mean time, President Khürelsükh U. ,Mongolia , is executing program "one-billion trees", bringing in chance of cooperation planting and protecting the earth between Mongolia and Taiwan.

Ceremony of donation and planting was held in a national amusement park in Mongolia on Aug. 22th, 280 water-storing tree planter”donated by TOAF and TTERO ( Taipei Trade and Economic Representative Office in Ulaanbaatar ) , inviting officers from Ulaanbaatar and all friends afforesting Mongolia by water-storing tree planter, the seedling of hope.

The donation of water-storing tree planter and planting, attendee: deputy mayor Mr. TOMORTOMOO of Ulaanbaatar ( middle ), Lo Chin Zu, TTERO (second from right) , Chen Li Yi, supervisor from TOAF (second from left) ,chief of innovation office (first from left) , chief of amusement park of Mongolia (first from right)


In the recent years, the serious desertification of 80% of the land in Mongolia brings in the problem of dust storm, this makes people in Mongolia aware of environmental issues, planting supervisor Chen Li Yi from TOAF leads a team to Mongolia, thinking of the challenge from extreme climate, making the way to breed a forest in the desert of nomads and creating resources and condition for a warm weather.

For more a closer cooperation with Mongolia, TOAF set up Nature Infinity Founcation, building 7 acres of planting foundation in outskirt in Ulaanbaatar, seedlings of 1100 sea buckthorn and 300 Siberian Elm planted, and planning to set up a farm of seedlings and test area for other kinds of trees, demo area of water-storing tree planter to increase survival ratio, an important platform for education.

 TOAF sets up technology forum and demo foundation about 7 acres, the important platform for promotion

1100 seedlings of sea buckthorn originated from Mongolia planted I the mid of this June, now fruitful.